Friday, December 02, 2005


This is a book of life from a playboy

The boy…he has an ordinary life. You can say that his life is normal, with all of those conflicts and normal pieces of life. Well, normal like being happy, being excited and all those normal things.
But he has so many experiences in making a relationship with his opposite sex (girl).

One day, he has been invited to a girl’s house for staying with her because her parents were going abroad. The girl is very rich and beautiful. She lives at a lux housing complex. Her house is big, and her parents seldom be at home. And you know what will happen with them. Great! They do many “games” for one week. And wonder! The girl isn’t pregnant. Wooouuuw how lucky boy he is.

This is some of his record:
He has taken many (+/-4) girls’ virginity.
He has been in relationship for +/-20 times.
He has gotten a French kiss from a girl that he has never known before.
Many girls love him.

He follows the hedonistic principal
We live on the earth just one time so we must fill our live with happiness, and we must enjoy our live.

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